Meeting Pearls 4
Meeting Pearls Vol. IV (1996)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!].iso
Text File
823 lines
;#DEFSYSOPNAME "<SysopName>"
; This is the default SysopName, used if you do not specify a SysopName for the area.
#DEFSYSOPNAME "Pino Aliberti"
;#SYSOPNAME <Label> "<SysopName>"
; Here you have to list all your SysopNames
#SYSOPNAME MMMaster "MM Master"
;#ADDRESS <Address> <FakeNet>
;#AKA <Address> <FakeNet>
; Here you have to list all YOUR addresses
; If you use #AKA, the address won't be scanned in the search of the nearest Address
#ADDRESS 2:335/602.2@fidonet 0
#ADDRESS 39:102/10.0@amiganet 10210
#AKA 39:102/1.2@amiganet 1021
#ADDRESS 99:99/99.99@netgate 0
;#GROUP <Label>
; Here you have to list all the group Labels
#GROUP netmail
#GROUP fidonet
#GROUP amiganet
#GROUP amiganetpoints
#GROUP bad
#GROUP netgated
;#ARCHIVER <Label> <Offset> "<Pattern>" "<Crunch Command>" "<Decrunch Command>"
; Mail Manager is able to self recognize different archivers.
; <Label> is the Label of the archiver used in the #NODE lines
; <Offset> is the position of the pattern within the archive
; <Pattern> is the pattern that identifies a type of archive
#ARCHIVER LHA 2 "-lh" "BIN:LhA a" "BIN:LhA x"
#ARCHIVER ZIP 0 "PK" "BIN:LhA a" "DH0:CMP/UnZip -x"
#ARCHIVER ZOO 0 "ZOO" "BIN:Zoo a" "BIN:Zoo x"
#ARCHIVER ARC 0 "" "BIN:Arc a" "BIN:Arc x"
;#NODE <Address> <Addr Type> <PKT Type> <Echo Flavor> <Tick Flavor> <Archiver>
;Group <GroupLabel> <GroupLevel>
;Group <GroupLabel> <GroupLevel>
;PacketPw "<Password>"
;AreaFixPw "<Password>"
;TickPw "<Password>"
;UserFlags "<Flags>"
;CanCreateAreas <Path> <Address> <MsgBase> <GroupLabel> <GroupLevel>
; Here you have to list the addresses of all the Nodes that send/receive mail from you
; <Address> : Is the Address of the node in 5D format
; <Addr Type> : ADDR2D/ADDR4D/ADDR5D Type of Seen-By/Path lines
; <PKT Type> : PACK3D/PACK4D/PACK5D Type of PKT
; Packets will never be created for a VIRTUAL node
; Tick Files will never be created for a VIRTUAL node
; <Archiver> : Is the archiver used for crunching mail for this node
; the "Group" lines list the Groups the Node is linked to
; <GroupLabel> : is the Label of the group
; <GroupLevel> : is the access level of this node within the group
; the "PacketPw" line sets the password inserted inside PKTs for this node ( max 8 chrs !!! )
; the "AreaFixPw" line sets the AreaFix Password of the Node.
; the "TickPw" line sets the Tick Password of the Node.
; the "UserFlags" line could be used for storing custom flags for the Node
; If you specify a "CanCreateAreas" line the node can create new areas automatically.
; <Path> is the Path where MM will create the the New Area Directory
; <Address> is the your Address used in the Area
; <MsgBase> is the type of MsgBase used for the Area
; <GroupLabel> is the Label of the group the Area will belong to
; <GroupLevel> is the access level required for the area within the group
Group fidonet 20
PacketPw "xxx"
TickPw "xxx"
CanCreateAreas MAIL:FIDO/ 2:335/602.2@fidonet Compressed fidonet 10
Group amiganet 20
PacketPw "xxx"
TickPw "xxx"
UserFlags "MMAFIX=Test MMMSGTRK=Flags"
CanCreateAreas MAIL:AMY/ 39:102/10.0@amiganet Compressed amiganet 10
#NODE 39:102/10.1@amiganet ADDR2D PACK3D HOLD NORMAL LHA
Group amiganet 10
Group amiganetpoints 10
CanCreateAreas MAIL:NETGATE/ 99:99/99.99@netgate Compressed netgated 0
;#ROUTING <FromNode> <FromFlavor> <Action> <ToNode> <ToFlavor>
; Here you have to describe the Routing actions for NETMAIL.
; <FromNode> : You can use every AmigaDos wildcard for every field
; <Action> : SEND/ARCHIVE - SEND sends mail uncompressed , ARCHIVE compress MAIL with the configured ARCHIVER
; <ToNode> : Must be one of the Nodes listed in the #NODE lines
#ROUTING *:*/*.*@fidonet ALL SEND 2:335/602.0@fidonet NORMAL
#ROUTING *:*/*.*@amiganet ALL SEND 39:102/1.0@amiganet NORMAL
#ROUTING [1-6]:*/*.*@* ALL SEND 2:335/602.0@fidonet NORMAL
#ROUTING ((39)|(40)|(41)):*/*.*@* ALL SEND 39:102/1.0@amiganet NORMAL
;#INBOUND <dir>
; It is the directory where MM will look for incoming Bundles, Packets and Files
;#OUTBOUND <dir>
; It is the directory where MM will place outgoing Packets and Flow Files
; It is the directory where MM will place outgoing Bundles
;#TICDIR <dir>
; It is the directory where MM will place outgoing .TIC files
; It is the directory where MM will create temporary Packets during the Export operation.
; It MUST be different from the #INBOUND and #WORKDIR directories
;#BADDIR <dir>
; It is the directory where MM will move wrong and corrupted incoming Packets and Tick files
; It is the directory where MM will copy incoming Bundles and Packets before the Import
;#WORKDIR <dir>
; It is the directory where MM will UnArc incoming Bundles before the Import
;#MAILDEV <dir>
; It is the directory that will be monitored by MM in order to show you the available disk space
#STATS "MM:MailManager.Stats"
#USERLIST "Nodelist:MM.Userlist"
#EDITOR "BIN:ED %s -sticky"
;#FORWARDTXT "<String>"
; In the <String> you can insert the following control characters:
; \n - NewLine
; \q - Quotations Marks (")
; \% - Percentage char (%)
; %F - Name of the Sender (Name and SurName)
; %f - Name of the Sender (Name)
; %K - Address of the Sender ( without Domain )
; %k - Address of the Sender ( without Point and Domain )
; %T - Name of the Addressee (Name and SurName)
; %t - Name of the Addressee(Name)
; %J - Address of the Addressee ( without Domain )
; %j - Address of the Addressee ( without Point and Domain )
; %S - Subject of the message (Complete)
; %s - Subject of the message (First 20 characters)
; %D - Date and Time of the message
; %d - Date of the message
; %X - Current Date and Time
; %x - Current Date
; %Y - Sysop Name (Name and Surname)
; %a - Tag Name of the area
; %p - Path of the area
; %n - Number of the message
; If %F, %f, %T or %t are followed by some text enclosed in two `~'s
; this text will be used if the message was directed to or written by
; yourself. For example: "Look what %F~I~ wrote to %T~me~:"
#FORWARDTXT " Message forwarded from Area [%a]\n Original From: %F\n Original To : %T\n Original Subj: %S\n Original Date: %d\n\n"
;#DEFPROLOGUE "<String>"
; This is the default Prologue, used if you do not specify a Prologue for the area.
; You can use the same ctrl chrs of #FORWARDTXT
#DEFPROLOGUE "Hello %f,\n In a message dated %d you wrote to %T~me~ :\n\n"
;#PROLOGUE <Label> "<prologue>"
; Here you have to list all your Prologues
#PROLOGUE Italiano "Ciao %f,\n In un messaggio del %d scrivevi a %T~me~ :\n\n"
;#DEFLOGO "<String>"
; This is the default Logo, used if you do not specify a Logo for the area.
; If you set this to: #DEFLOGO "" MM won't insert a Logo.
#DEFLOGO "\n Ciao !\n *Pino* *Aliberti*\n $2:335/602.2@fidonet$\n ^39:102/10.0@amiganet^\n #aliberti@mbox.vol.it#\n\n"
;#LOGO <Label> "<logo>"
; Here you have to list all your Logos
#LOGO Short "\n Ciao !\n Pino\n\n"
#LOGO UUCP "\n Ciao !\n Pino Aliberti\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------\n Mail Manager Development Internet: aliberti@mbox.vol.it\n Via delle Fontanelle, snc Fidonet : 2:335/602.2@fidonet\n 67016 Paganica (AQ) ITALY Amiganet: 39:102/10.0@amiganet\n-------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"
;#DEFORIGIN "<origin>"
; This is the default Origin, used if you do not specify an Origin for the area
#DEFORIGIN "Mail Manager, The Last Frontier !"
;#ORIGIN <Label> "<origin>"
; Here you have to list all your Origins
#ORIGIN MMBeta "Come on Guys, we are the best !"
#ORIGINRANDOM Random1 "MM:RandomOrigins.TXT"
;#DEFFONT <FontName>/<FontSize>
; This is the Default Font used for reading msgs.
; If you do not configure a Default Font MM will use the Fixed Width Font configured with MUI prefs.
#DEFFONT MMBrowse/11
;#FONT <Label> <FontName>/<FontSize>
; Here you have to list all the Fonts you want to use for reading msgs in different Areas
#FONT XHelv Helvetica/11
;#TICKCOMMAND <Label> "<command>"
; Here you have to list all the TickCommands you want to use in the Tick Areas
; Inside the <Command> string you can insert the following control characters:
; \n - NewLine
; \q - Quotations Marks (")
; %s - Sysop Name
; %a - Area Tag
; %p - Area Path
; %P - Area Alternate Path
; %u - Area User Flags
; %d - File Description
; %b - File Size in Bytes
; %n - Original File Name ( Only Name )
; %N - Original File Name ( with the complete Path )
; %m - Destination File Name ( Only Name )
; %M - Destination File Name ( with the complete Path )
; %r - File replaced ( Only Name )
; %R - File replaced ( with the complete Path )
; %o - Origin Node
; %f - From Node
; ########## WARNINGS ##########
; - You cannot use MM ARexx commands inside the TickCommand
; - MM checks the return code of the Tick Command.
; If it is not = 0 the Tick file won't be processed further.
#TICKCOMMAND DLG "SYS:REXXC/RX MM:Rexx/MM_DLGUpload %a %p %n %N %o %b \q%u\q \q%r\q %d"
; This character will be inserted in front of the Bundle name before adding
; it to the Flow Files ( '#' '^' '-' for TrapDoor )
; This string will be inserted in front of every kludge line before showing it.
; You can insert here the following control characters:
; \b = Bold
; \i = Italic
; \u = Underline
; \n = Back to Plain
; \<n> = Use pen number <n> (1..9)
; This string will be inserted in front of every quoted line before showing it.
; You can insert here the same control codes used in #PREPARSEKLUDGE
#LOGWINDOW "KCON:0/433/720/107/Mail Manager Log Window/AUTO/INACTIVE/SCREEN MMScreen"
#LOGFILE "MM:MailManager.Log"
; #ARCHIVEFILE "<filename>"
; This is the default name of the file where MM will Archive Msgs. You can use the same ctrl chrs of #FORWARDTXT
;#CMDSTACK <Stack Size>
; This is the StackSize used for calling external commands ( Archivers, Text Editor, Custom Menu Commands
; and Tick Commands ) from inside MM. Default: 4096 bytes
;#TASKPRI <priority>
; This is the Task Priority used by MM (valid values are from -20 to +20)
; If your free mem is less that this value, MM will free some areas buffers before scanning the next area
; This is the rough maximum size of a PKT created during Export.
; This is the VERY rough maximum size of a Bundle created during Export.
; The Size of a Bundle is checked _before_ adding the PKT.
; If the size is bigger than MaxBundleSize The PKT will be added to a new bundle
; Initial ordering of the Areas shown
; Initial filter for the Areas shown
; By default INTRANSIT messages ( Imported messages not addressed to one of your #ADDRESSes or #AKAs )
; are flagged as 'DEL' as soon as Mail Manager has exported them. If you want to disable this
; you have to set #KEEPMATRIX.
; If you set #KEEPSYSOP, messages written or addressed to you won't be deleted by the Mail Manager
; Delete Function. Of course you can still delete them by setting the 'DEL' flag from inside Mail Manager.
; If you set #CHECKDOMAIN MM will work in a full 5D environment
; If you set #ORIGIN5D the address in the Origin line will include the Domain
; If you set #DOBACKUP MailManager will made a copy of the Incoming Bundles and PKTs
; in the BackUpDir before starting the Import function.
; If you set #SAFEIMPORT Mail Manager will delete a bundle only after it has imported
; all the PKT of the Bundle, otherwise it will delete the bundle as soon as it has unarced it.
; If you set #SMARTEXPORT When you click on the Export Gadget of the Areas window and
; there is no Area Selected MM will xport only areas with the 'E' flag;
; with #NOSMARTEXPORT MM will export all the areas
; If set, NetMail for points will be crunched with the configured archiver.
; If set, Mail Manager will archive exported PKTs at the end of every Imported Bundle
; Otherwise it will archive exported PKTs at the end of the Import function
; If set, Mail Manager will show also PassThrough areas
;#AREASMENU "<name>" "<Command>" "<ShortCut>"
#AREASMENU "Run ARexx" "SYS:REXXC/RX MM:Rexx/MM_RunRexx" "0"
#AREASMENU "Maui 1" "BIN:Trapdoor call 2:335/602" "1"
#AREASMENU "Maui 2" "BIN:Trapdoor call 2:335/607" "2"
#AREASMENU "Call ..." "SYS:REXXC/RX MM:Rexx/MM_CallNode" "3"
#AREASMENU "Send File" "SYS:REXXC/RX MM:Rexx/MM_SendFile" "4"
#AREASMENU "Import Ticks" "SYS:REXXC/RX MM:Rexx/MM_ImportTicks" "5"
#AREASMENU "MM Log" "BIN:ed MM:MailManager.Log" ""
#AREASMENU "TD Log" "BIN:ed Mail:TrapDoor.Log" ""
;#BROWSEMENU "<name>" "<Command>" "<ShortCut>"
; the <Command> string can contain the same control chrs used in #FORWARDTXT
#BROWSEMENU "AddUserList" "SYS:REXXC/RX MM:REXX/MM_AddUser.rexx %a %n" ""
#BROWSEMENU "Call Node" "SYS:REXXC/RX MM:Rexx/MM_CallNode %k" ""
;#(MAIL/ECHO/FECHO/BAD)AREA "<Name>" <Tag> <Path> <Address> <GroupLabel> <GroupLevel>
;MsgBase <MsgBase> <MsgBase> = Plain / Indexed / Quick / Compressed / PassThrough
;Show <Show> <Show> = All / New / Sysop /UnRepl/ LastImp
;SortBy <SortBy> <SortBy> = Number / Date / From / To / Subject
;DeleteBy <DeleteBy> <Num> <DeleteBy> = Number / Date
;Desc "<Description>"
;AltPath <AltPath>
;Charset <ReadCharset> <WriteCharset> <Charset> = ASCII / IBMPC / LATIN
;Font <Font>
;SysopName <SysopName>
;Prologue <Prologue>
;Logo <Logo>
;Origin <Origin>
;UserFlags <UserFlags>
;Nodes <Nodes>
; Here you have to list all your Messages Areas
; <Name> is the Name of the Area (will be showed in the area list)
; You can insert here the same control codes used in #PREPARSEKLUDGE
; <Tag> is the TagName of the Area
; <Path> is the Path of the Area Directory
; <Address> is the Address you will use in this Area
; <GroupLabel> is the Label of the group this area belongs to
; <GroupLevel> is the access level required for this area within the group
; Messages imported into an Area with a "TwoPassImport" line won't be automatically exported during import
; You cannot write messages into an Area with a "ReadOnly" line
; the "MsgBase" line describe the type of MsgBase used for the Area
; the "Show" line sets the initial state of the "Show" cycle gadget for the area
; the "SortBy" line sets the initial state of the "Sort" cycle gadget for the area
; the "DeleteBy" line sets the sorting method used for the delete function
; and the minimum number of msgs left after a Delete operation
; the "Desc" line sets the Description for the previously defined Area.
; the "AltPath" line sets the path where File Attached in MAIL or FECHO areas will be placed.
; If it is not specified files will be placed in the primary path
; the "Charset" line specifies the Charsets used in this area.
; the <ReadCharset> is the default Charset assumed when you are reading messages without a CHRS kludge
; the <WriteCharset> is Charset used for reading and writing messages
; If it is not specified, MM will use ASCII for Both.
; the "Font" line specifies the Font used for reading Messages in this area.
; If it is not specified MM will use the Font specified in #DEFFONT
; or, if you have not configured a Default Font, the Fixed Width Font configured with MUI Prefs
; the "SysopName" line specifies the SysopName used in the area.
; If it is not specified MM will use the name specified in #DEFSYSOPNAME
; the "Prologue" line specifies the Prologue used in the area.
; If it is not specified MM will use the origin specified in #DEFPROLOGUE
; the "Logo" line specifies the Logo used in the area.
; If it is not specified MM will use the origin specified in #DEFLOGO
; the "Origin" line specifies the Origin used in the area.
; If it is not specified MM will use the origin specified in #DEFORIGIN
; the "UserFlags" line is used for specifing the User Flags for the area.
; Mail Manager does not use this field. You can use it for your own purposes
; the "Nodes" line list all the nodes connected to the previously defined Area.
; The nodes should be listed in the same format used in a 4D Seen-By line. For example:
; Nodes 2:335/601 602 .2 .4 336/232
; All that nodes should be already listed in the #NODE lines.
; EchoMail will be imported only from these nodes and will be exported only to these nodes.
; If you precede a node entry with a '-' msgs imported from that node will be routed
; to the BAD area.
; If you precede a node entry with a '+' msgs won't be exported to that node
; For example: "Nodes 2:335/601 602 -.2 .4 +336/232"
; Of course a Point should insert here only the address of his Boss
#MAILAREA "\bMatrix" MATRIX MAIL:MATRIX/ 2:335/602.2@fidonet netmail 0
MsgBase Compressed
Show All
SortBy Number
DeleteBy Number 500
#FECHOAREA "\8MM Beta" MMBETA MAIL:FIDO/MMBETA/ 2:335/602.2@fidonet fidonet 30
MsgBase Compressed
Show All
SortBy Number
DeleteBy Number 500
Desc "Only for the Testers of the Best Program of the World"
; SysopName MMMaster
; Logo Short
Origin MMBeta
Nodes 2:335/602
#FECHOAREA "\8MM Beta Ita" MMBETA.ITA MAIL:FIDO/MMBETA.ITA/ 2:335/602.2@fidonet fidonet 30
MsgBase Compressed
Show All
SortBy Number
DeleteBy Number 500
Prologue Italiano
; Logo Short
Origin MMBeta
Nodes 2:335/602
#ECHOAREA "\8MM Support" MM_AMY MAIL:AMY/MM_AMY/ 39:102/10.0@amiganet amiganet 10
MsgBase Compressed
Show All
SortBy Number
DeleteBy Number 500
Nodes 39:102/1
#ECHOAREA "AmigaNet \bComms\n" COMMS_AMY MAIL:AMY/COMMS_AMY/ 39:102/10.0@amiganet amiganet 10
MsgBase Compressed
Show All
SortBy Number
DeleteBy Number 200
Font XHelv
Nodes 39:102/1 10.1 .2 .3
#MAILAREA "\b\3E-Mail" E-MAIL MAIL:NETGATE/E-MAIL/ 99:99/99.99@netgate netgated 0
MsgBase Compressed
Show All
SortBy Number
DeleteBy Date 100
NumDupes 501
#ECHOAREA "\b\3ML\n\0 MUI" ML_MUI MAIL:NETGATE/ML_MUI/ 99:99/99.99@netgate netgated 0
MsgBase Compressed
Show All
SortBy Number
DeleteBy Date 30
Nodes 99:99/99
#ECHOAREA "\b\3CSA\n\0 Amiga" CSA_AMIGA MAIL:NETGATE/CSA_AMIGA/ 99:99/99.99@netgate netgated 0
MsgBase Compressed
Show New
SortBy Subject
DeleteBy Date 5
Nodes 99:99/99
#BADAREA "\b\3BAD\n" BAD_MSGS MAIL:BAD/ 2:335/602.2@fidonet bad 0
MsgBase Compressed
Show All
SortBy Number
DeleteBy Number 0
;#TICKAREA <Tag> <Path> <Address> <GroupLabel> <GroupLevel>
;Desc "<Description>"
;AltPath <AltPath>
;TickCommand <TickCommand>
;UserFlags <UserFlags>
;Nodes <Nodes>
; Here you have to list all your Tick Areas
; <Tag> is the TagName of the Area
; <Path> is the Path of the Area Directory. This MUST be the path where FILES will be placed
; <Address> is the Address you will use in this Area
; <GroupLabel> is the Label of the group this area belongs to
; <GroupLevel> is the access level required for this area within the group
; the "Desc" line sets the Description for the previously defined Area.
; the "AltPath" line sets an Alternate path for the area.
; Mail Manager does not use this Path. You can use it for your own purposes
; During the Ticks Export function MM performs the following operations:
; - If there is a file to replace, MM deletes that file from the area
; - it copies the file to the Area Path
; - it inserts the description of the file inside the file comment
; If you want to perform some other operations you can include them in a
; #TICKCOMMAND and insert its Label in the "TickCommand" line.
; the "UserFlags" line is used for specifing the User Flags for the area.
; Mail Manager does not use this field. You can use it for your own purposes
; the "Nodes" line list all the nodes connected to the previously defined Area.
; The nodes should be listed in the same format used in a 4D Seen-By line. For example:
; Nodes 2:335/601 602 .2 .4 336/232
; All that nodes should be already listed in the #NODE lines.
; Files will be imported only from these nodes and will be exported only to these nodes.
; If you precede a node entry with a '-' files coming from that node won't be imported
; If you precede a node entry with a '+' files won't be exported to that node
; Of course a Point should insert here only the address of his Boss
#TICKAREA MM_UTILS MAIL:TICKS/MM_UTILS/ 39:102/10.0@amiganet amiganet 30
Desc "Utilities for Mail Manager"
Nodes 39:102/1
#TICKAREA MMBETA MAIL:TICKS/MMBETA/ 2:335/602.2@fidonet fidonet 30
Desc "Only for the Testers of the Best Program of the World"
TickCommand DLG
Nodes 2:335/602
#TICKAREA NODEDIFF MAIL:TICKS/NODEDIFF/ 2:335/602.2@fidonet fidonet 30
Nodes 2:335/602
#TICKAREA AMYNLIST MAIL:TICKS/AMYNLIST/ 39:102/10.0@amiganet amiganet 30
Nodes 39:102/1 -10.1
#TICKAREA AMYNDIFF MAIL:TICKS/AMYNDIFF/ 39:102/10.0@amiganet amiganet 30
Nodes 39:102/1